Your waste/Discarded/Scrap old items shall be converted into money with 

our attractive reward points system. 

You will get the highest value for your items.


Per Kg (Weight) conversion of Points

News papers, Magazine, Books, Notebook101010
E waste252525
plastic bottals141700


Points Incentive

1 - 25No incentiveNANA
26 - 5040 Points incentiveNANA
51-100100 Points incentive125 Points incentiveNA
Above 101150 point incentive200 Points incentive250 Points incentive


Points Value Chart

251 - 500Rs.1.10NANA
above 1001Rs.1.50Rs.1.50Rs.1.50
1 - 2501.001.001.00



For example:- 

If your house / commercial establishment/industry discard/waste/scrap 2kg of plastic and 2kg of cartons store in a month and you give us.

Now your points will be for Plastic  2kg X 15 points = 30 points, for carton 2kg X 15 points = 30 points. 

Total points 30 + 30 = 60 points + 100 points incentive = 160 points, then points value shall be : 160 X 1.00 ( one rupees per points) = Rs. 160/-